Thursday, 29 June 2017

30 Days Wild day 22- Elderflower

I didn't have much time today for random acts of wildness. Various jobs which needed doing on campus and at the house before the end of term kept me busy for most of the day. But the walk between campus and my house in York is really quite special, when I stop and take notice of it.

Path running between trees, lined with cow parsley

In spring, the path is lined with flowering blackthorn and hawthorn, with garlic mustard growing tall beneath them. But in June, the elderflower and cowparsley steal the show. The air smells green and growing from nettle flowers, but if you get close enough the elderflowers cut through it all with their sweet, floral scent. The flowers are incredibly beautiful too, when you look at them closely. The 5 white petals and stamen covered in pollen make them look like tiny stars.

Close up of elderflower. The flowers look like white stars, with yellow stamen covered in pollen.

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