Friday, 9 June 2017

30 Days Wild day 6- Walks in the rain part 2

I'd come back home for a couple of days on Monday, so it was back to Lincolnshire as the base for my random acts of wildness. The wet weather had carried on from yesterday, but this time with strong winds too, so I went for another walk in the rain today. It wasn't a long walk, just down to the co-op to get some fresh bread. But the weather made it feel exhilarating. It was the kind of day which made me want to revert to a small child and go jumping in puddles, although that may have had more to do with finally finishing exams!

I arrived back home about half an hour after setting out- windswept and bedraggled, with a photo of a soggy ladybird larva (and the groceries) all I had to show for my walk. It was brilliant.

A ladybird larva (black and orange) on a wild rose flower in the rain

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